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in your deep respect for parenthood, love of its wonders, and grappling with its insanity. I share ideas here to help you reset your head, heart & habits. May they bring ever more love to your home. ❤️

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Parenting Success Stories to Inspire Your Own


Sometimes, it helps to know what’s possible for others in order to imagine what might be possible for ourselves. Here are some stories of parents who found the support they needed through our program.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

The following is an edited transcript of this podcast episode.

So I promised you some stories from the community, and I want to share a few of those to show you what’s possible in your life. I always think about the Olympics, where no one can break a certain record until suddenly someone does! Then, next time, three more people are doing it. Winning is contagious. So is isolation. It really matters where you place yourself and the stories you fill your heart with. So today, I’m going to tell you some real stories from parents who have transformed their lives.

Overcoming Long-Standing Issues

We’ve had parents come in whose kids weren’t potty trained at the ages of five or six, going into school. They had been trying for years, but within a matter of weeks, the issue was resolved. We’ve had the same situation even with a 10-year-old, and again, within weeks, the family was good.

From the Verge of Walking Out to Thriving as a Parent

There was a mom who, when she first reached out, said, “Don’t be one of those %!#@ parent coaches who are just going to take my time and money and tell me everything’s going to be okay. I’m on the verge of walking out from my kids. I love them, but I can’t be the mother they need for a single other day.”

She ultimately decided to give it a try, and just six months later, her life was entirely different. She talks about how she now feels joy every time she hears her son say, “Mama,” because she knows exactly how to be the mother he needs. She loves being a mom now. Does that mean every moment is perfect? No, but she knows how to handle the hard moments without breaking. She’s since gone on to help other families facing medical and nutrition issues, giving back to the community.

From War to Peace in the Home

We had a dad who had constant battles with his son. He couldn’t figure out how to get his son to respect him. But they turned it around, and now they have a beautiful relationship. Together, they identified the things that were making their life harder, cleaned them up one by one, and the war ended. Is his son still challenging? Yes, that’s his nature. But now, the parents are up to the challenge, and they’re thriving.

Saving Marriages Through Shared Understanding

Some parents have come into this program on the edge of divorce and have saved their marriages. They now have a shared vocabulary about what’s happening, even if they have different ways of handling it. They understand the problem in the same way, and they have a shared solution. They use their individual strengths to make it to the other side, together.

Flourishing Through Divorce

On the other hand, some parents have come in while going through a divorce. Instead of feeling overwhelmed with grief, anger, or rage, they’ve been able to go through the process with deep gratitude and the ability to communicate effectively. They’ve risen to the challenge for their children, their ex, and themselves. Staying together or deciding to split can both be the right choice. What matters is how you go through it, and having community support is crucial.

Building Your Own Parenting Map

I could go on and on. We literally have over 1,000 testimonials – hundreds of spontaneous love letters from families who have written to say thank you. On average, I receive one to three of these messages every week. It’s why I do this! Whether you’re dealing with potty training issues, co-parenting struggles, school refusal, or a child who seems so different that you feel disconnected—these are real problems, and you deserve real help.

We don’t take away the problems in your life. If I could do that, I’d solve the climate crisis too! But what I can do is make you an incredible swimmer, so the waves aren’t as much of a problem. You’ll learn which waves to catch, which to let pass, and which to avoid because they’ll pull you under.

I teach you how to get from that deep, dark, lonely place back to the shore—whatever your shore is. I don’t have a specific idea in mind for your shore. All I need to know is what hurts and what you want it to look like instead. We will build your map and help you get there, challenges and all.

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We specialize in providing high-level, individualized support to loving, overwhelmed parents in need of an emotional reset + some Mother Flipping Awesome strategies.

Help! Help! Help! Help! Help!
  • The 4 goals we have here that will transform the way you think about – and do – parenting. 
  • Actual graduates from our courses, who share here what brought them to MFA, and also the extraordinary transformations their families experienced.
  • You'll even see me work directly with a couple of parents, getting them to take the first step of their transformations as well! 


All of us need a do-over now and then. Abigail Wald helps you press “reset” on your parenting life, by giving you effective strategies to reset your heart, your habits, and your home.

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