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in your deep respect for parenthood, love of its wonders, and grappling with its insanity. I share ideas here to help you reset your head, heart & habits. May they bring ever more love to your home. ❤️

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Why I Care so Much About the Wellbeing of PARENTS

Community, Parenting Tips

Abigail explains why her own childhood inspired her to do the parent support work that she does today. Read her story and learn about the difference parent support has made to the families she works with.

Abigail's childhood inspired her to do parent support work. The picture shows Abigail as a contemplative young child.

I was a very conscious child.

Maybe every child is.

While I don’t have too many memories from back then, I DO remember my thoughts were CLEAR. Like I would witness my parents arguing and I could vividly see how each one was stuck in a pattern that they could easily step out of, but they didn’t seem to see the pathway.

I remember having a very clear understanding of complex human relationships, even the one I was having with my own mother. I would watch her, literally seeing the fact that parenting was pushing her over her edge, and being completely aware of BOTH my own experience of that, but also hers.  I remember hating those moments for myself, but also hating them for her. 

Like we somehow both deserved better, and I knew it.

I made a promise to myself when I was around four years old that I would somehow grow up to solve that problem. And while the road to that solution was long and winding and included many of my own mishaps, I do this parent support work today because it is literally my soul’s promise to myself. To the kid I was then. To the mother my mom was. And to all the kids and parents everywhere who deserve more.

More love.
More support.
More understanding.
More clarity.
More tools.
More respect.
And more help that actually helps.

You might be wondering, what does parent support even look like?
What kind of transformation is possible? 

Well, as I think you will see from the following examples, when either the child or the parent is struggling everyone in the family struggles. Which is why the parent support work I do is aimed at healing the entire family. Here are just a few stories from our community that will help illustrate what this can look like:

These parents needed help with their strong willed boy who always did his own thing, and never seemed to take the rest of the family’s feelings into account. We helped them get here, where he is folding laundry for everyone, without having even been asked. 👇

This next set of parents were struggling with feeling really down about how hard it all was, especially when their kids were struggling with sibling rivalry, anxiety, and school refusal. We helped them turn it all around, so now their kid goes happily off to school, and also comes home happily to their family. 👇

I’m almost always sure that I can make a huge difference in somebody’s life but one mom came to me and honestly, I wasn’t sure. It was a truly difficult situation. I’ll let her tell you the rest of her story in her own words: 👇

Now you know why I do what I do.  And how it makes such a very real difference on the ground for the families who need this beautiful, deep support.

If you are reading this, knowing you too need MORE, then reach out. Our parenting resets provide high-level, individualized support to loving, overwhelmed parents who are needing an emotional reset plus tools and strategies to help strong willed, highly sensitive kids.  

 I’m here for you. And I promise you there IS a pathway out of the patterns you may currently find yourself stuck in. I will help you see that new road, and take it. ❤️

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must Reads

We specialize in providing high-level, individualized support to loving, overwhelmed parents in need of an emotional reset + some Mother Flipping Awesome strategies.

Help! Help! Help! Help! Help!
  • The 4 goals we have here that will transform the way you think about – and do – parenting. 
  • Actual graduates from our courses, who share here what brought them to MFA, and also the extraordinary transformations their families experienced.
  • You'll even see me work directly with a couple of parents, getting them to take the first step of their transformations as well! 


All of us need a do-over now and then. Abigail Wald helps you press “reset” on your parenting life, by giving you effective strategies to reset your heart, your habits, and your home.

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