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in your deep respect for parenthood, love of its wonders, and grappling with its insanity. I share ideas here to help you reset your head, heart & habits. May they bring ever more love to your home. ❤️

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What Exactly Is a Parenting RESET?


Parenting isn’t easy, and it’s normal to feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and lonely along the way. But with the right support, we CAN overcome our parenting challenges. Here’s how a parenting “reset” can help.‎‎‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

The following is an edited transcript of this podcast episode.

Okay, so how do we do it? The reason we call our programs “resets” is because they reset your heart, habits, and home. We do this by addressing how you think, what you see, what you focus on, and then helping you take action to create the change you’re looking for.

Shifting Mindsets and Setting Goals

We start by getting clear on what we want to change, and then work backward to create a plan. The difference between us and most parenting programs is that we don’t impose an end goal for you—your end goal is what matters. There are things you might believe are helpful, and we’ll help you explore whether they truly are, based on what works in your life.

We think about what’s helpful in the long term and what’s helpful in the short term. It’s about more than just patching up moments; it’s about sewing the tapestry of the life you want. Yes, we’ll give you tools and techniques that have worked for others, but we do much more than that. Chances are, you’ve already tried a lot of those tools, and they haven’t worked. That’s because something else—your heart, head, or habits—isn’t aligned, or the tool isn’t quite right for your family.

Figuring Out Why Things Aren’t Working

There’s a reason why what’s supposed to work isn’t working in your home. You’re not imagining it, and you’re not being difficult—it’s actually happening for a reason. We approach this like detectives, diving deep into your world to figure out what’s going on. Over time, you share your story, and we share our expertise on parenting, child psychology, and what really works to help families get out of difficult patterns.

Whether your challenges feel massive or minor, we tailor solutions to your family. If your problem feels huge, or you’re simply trying to avoid getting caught in the tides of life, the size of your challenge doesn’t matter. What matters is your commitment to growth. Do you care this much about parenting and about yourself and your family? If so, you tell us where you are now and where you want to go, and together, we build your map.

The Power of both Group Learning and Individual Support

We work in six-month cohorts with small groups of families. Why? Because every person’s story will teach you something about your own. The healing happens not just in the techniques we offer, but also in the shared experiences. You’ll find connections between your story and others, and that will give you the perspective needed to finally see yourself and make new choices.

While the group experience is powerful, our approach is also highly individual and customized. We are truly present in your life, offering guidance and support based on years of experience working with parents. It’s the combination of presence, caring, and wisdom that makes the real difference.

From Small Problems to Big Transformations

If you have a small problem—like needing dairy-free snack ideas—sure, you can find that online. But if you want deeper support, including understanding why certain parenting moments trigger grief or frustration, or why old childhood experiences might resurface, that’s where we come in. We help you create the next chapters of your story, ensuring your parenting journey aligns with your truest values.

Our goal is to help you make sure the arc of your story goes the way you want it to go. We equip you with the tools to “edit” any chapter you’re not happy with so you know how to shift and grow along the way. This is how we reset your heart, head, habits, and home.

If you have any questions, I’m here. Contact me.

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must Reads

We specialize in providing high-level, individualized support to loving, overwhelmed parents in need of an emotional reset + some Mother Flipping Awesome strategies.

Help! Help! Help! Help! Help!
  • The 4 goals we have here that will transform the way you think about – and do – parenting. 
  • Actual graduates from our courses, who share here what brought them to MFA, and also the extraordinary transformations their families experienced.
  • You'll even see me work directly with a couple of parents, getting them to take the first step of their transformations as well! 


All of us need a do-over now and then. Abigail Wald helps you press “reset” on your parenting life, by giving you effective strategies to reset your heart, your habits, and your home.

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